Videotaped Depositions

Videotaped Deposition WitnessGet a better value with a professional videographer. Have your pick of Kansas City's top-rate video service providers without settling for "in-house" videography with little or no courtroom support. Video-text syncing is also available with every videotaped deposition, allowing instant access to videotaped testimony with the transcript text. We will coordinate the service for you when you schedule a videotaped deposition.

Need more than just a videotaped deposition? Ask for the special video service, nicknamed the "Big Rig", and you can have a camera recording what the witness is drawing, writing, pointing to, etc. Have it all recorded on the videotaped deposition with a PIP (Picture in Picture) so that you have the witness on film at all times. Also, if multiple people will be present, you can also have individual computer monitors showing exactly what's being recorded. Just because you're on the other end of the table doesn't mean you can't see where on the map the witness is pointing to!