Transcript Formats

Back when we began in 1963, there was really just one way to provide a copy of a transcript to an attorney - carbon copy. Over time, technology has changed, and not only have we stayed current, we go above and beyond to be able to provide you with your transcript in the format you need.

ASCII - Sometimes you need the transcript in one of its simplest forms. Or, if you need a copy quick, but it doesn't have to be an expedited final, edited copy, then you can also order a Rough Draft ASCII.

RealLegal E-TranRealLegal® E-Transcript™ - One of the most popular formats, often shortened to "eTran". This format is a .ptx file, and it does require a special program for viewing. You can download a copy of that program by clicking here

PDF Transcript - While many people often use "eTran" to refer to the RealLegal® E-Transcript™, they many times actually just mean an "Electronic Transcript", of which there are many formats. An Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format), is one of the most universal electronic formats available. Most computers already have a PDF Reader installed, but if you have one that doesn't, the latest copy of the Adobe Reader can be downloaded here. Most smartphones and tablets are capable of viewing PDF Transcripts, and many already have a reader on them. If not, check the market or app store to download a free one.

PDF BundleThe PDF Bundle - This is our most advanced, universal format available. The PDF Bundle was developed in-house and it provides you with the Full Size Transcript, Condensed Transcript, Index, Scanned Exhibits and the ASCII. Not only that, but each reference to an exhibit is hyperlinked so you can click on it and directly open that exact exhibit. Similarly, you can click on the page:line references in the index and jump straight to the word you're looking for. And, on top of all that, we also process all the exhibits with OCR - Optical Code Recognition. This means that they are fully searchable; just like the transcript. No more flipping through 50 pages of an exhibit looking for one specific quote!

The PDF Bundle, like the PDF Transcript, is viewable on many phones and tablets. Depending on the viewer you have, it may have limited functionality on your mobile device, however at a minimum, you can still view the transcript and index for those times you need a reference while on the go. And if you have a more advanced reader app, you will even be able to enjoy some of those additional functions that make this such a great format. For simplicity, compatibility and flexibility, ask for the the PDF Bundle.

Additional Formats - Sometimes you prefer a specific format that isn't one of the main ones listed above. Not to worry! We also offer transcripts in MDB, LEF, Word, and other formats. If you want a special format, just let us know and we'll see what we can do for you.